5 Creepy and Funny Halloween Trick or Treat Sayings

The handpicked Creepy and Funny Halloween Trick or Treat Sayings! Trick or Treat is now a symbolic activity of Halloween celebration. In short, trick or treat is a sort of ultimatum given by children disguised in Halloween costumes, and moving door to door to collect their treat (usually candies) and if the house owner does not give the treat, he will be subjected to the mischief of the group of kids. Trick or treat during Halloween is a well-known an American tradition but the origin of this activity lie back to Medieval Europe.

funny halloween trick or treat sayings

Funny Halloween Trick or Treat Sayings

I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, but there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids. ~Robert Brault

On Hallowe’en the thing you must do
Is pretend that nothing can frighten you
And if somethin’ scares you and you want to run
Just let on like it’s Halloween fun. ~Unknown Author

Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat. ~Nicholas Gordon

Trick or treat,
smell my feet,
give me something good to eat! ~Unknown Author

Jack-o-lantern smiling bright
Witches flying in the night
Ghosts and goblins, cats and bats
Witches with their funny hats
A full moon can’t be beat
As we go out to Trick or Treat ~Unknown Author


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